V. Why photovoltaic power stations with up to 1 MW ?
1. The power of a generation source with up to 1 MW is relatively easily absorbed by the 15 kV grid of the distribution grid operator. The 15 kV medium voltage ‘MV’ grids are the main distribution grids in the Polish power system and distribute the power from the substations to towns, between towns and to larger consumers. In view of the above aspects, including also the relatively high density of the 15 kV grids, sources with a power of up to 1 MW provide a better chance (probability) of obtaining grid connection conditions and agreements from the distribution grid operator.
2. The auctions will be held separately for objects with an installed power of up to 1 MW and with an installed power of over 1 MW. The act assumes that at least 25% of the electrical energy from renewable energy sources sold by auction should be generated in RES plants with a total installed power of up to 1 MW. The investment costs and, consequently, the energy generation price for plants with up to 1 MW preserve a similar structure and proportions, which ensures the maintenance of realistic price competition conditions during the auctions.
3. For photovoltaic power stations with a capacity of up to 1 MW, the procedures for obtaining approvals and building permits is comparatively faster than for other RES projects. If no environmental impact assessment is required, the building permit can be obtained within 21 months, assuming maximum duration for all processes. For wind farms, the whole process takes at least about 5 years and often 7-8 years.
4. The construction and operation of photovoltaic power stations have no impact on the environment, nor do they affect or change the immediate surroundings and scenic assets.
5. If it becomes necessary to terminate a project in the approval phase, for example because of a negative decision, the costs are incomparably lower(than in the case of wind farms).